Susan Carnell, PhD
Susan Carnell received her BA in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford and completed a PhD in Health Psychology focusing on parental feeding style and children's eating behavior at University College London. She was then awarded an ESRC/MRC Interdisciplinary Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, in which she used behavioral genetic data from a national twin study to examine genetic and environmental influences on child appetite and obesity. Following this, she moved to the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at Columbia University where she spearheaded studies of circadian and stress-related variation in neural (fMRI) and hormonal responses to food and food cues among obese and lean adults with and without binge eating. Here she was also awarded a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence award to investigate neural responses to food cues in obese and lean adolescents varying in familial and genetic obesity risk. In 2013 she became faculty at the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, where she leads a program of research investigating eating behavior and obesity throughout the lifespan, including neuroimaging studies in infants, children and adolescents.