Friday, February 24
11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. PST
Paria Fatollahkhani, MD, MSc, Matthew Bird, MS, Layla Murray, BA, Pablo Celnik, MD, Preetti Raghavan, MBBS
Educational Session: Academic/Education | 1360 - Effects of Hyaluronidase on the force generation capacity of upper extremity muscles in patients with post-stroke muscle stiffness
So muscle stiffness and specificity cause severe disability in millions of people with neurologic injuries of the similar spinal origins such as a stroke. And this muscle stiffness can be due to the neural reflects induced induced muscle over activity or non neural adhesions of the excess of dramatics of the muscles due to accumulation of glucosamine helical molecule named and higher or not actually higher in on acts as a lubricant and helps muscles move smoother. At the motor recovery research lab at johns Hopkins Hospital we are conducting the first classical controlled clinical trial of the human recombinant, highly rounded US enzyme, which breaks down the accumulated higher in on in the extra cellular matrix of the muscles in patients. Because the stroke muscle stiffness, we recorded surface MG from the elbow flexors and extend source during the isometric muscle strength testing. And so far based on our first aid patients data, we found that the the maximum voluntary contraction of the muscles which shows the fourth generation capacity of the muscles has been increased in all patients. After receiving the holla Rhonda's injections in the affected side based on their baseline evaluation. And this increase in the NBC was associated with a decrease in the co contraction of their muscles, which shows the resistance in the antagonist muscles because of the seasons in the organist muscles. So in overall our findings showed that despite the current treatment of the muscle stiffness which are mostly leading to the muscle weakness. The injection of the highly erroneous may increase the fourth generation capacity of the muscles in patients with posed a strong muscle stiffness