Chapters Transcript Video Referring Adults for Congenital Heart Disease Care Cardiologist Ari Cedars discusses when to consider referring adult patients to an adult congenital heart disease program. e believe that all adult congenital heart disease patients should be seen at least once by an adult congenital heart disease provider. Even people with the simplest of lesions may experience a deterioration that could be detected by somebody with familiarity with the lesion. People with more complex forms of congenital heart disease, ideally, should be followed regularly by an adult congenital heart disease provider, frequently in concert with a local cardiology provider. Many times the lesions that adult congenital heart disease patients may have are things that you haven't seen regularly since you left your training program. The ways in which these lesions may deteriorate over time may not have even been known at the time when you were going through training. As Ah, lot of these patients may have died during childhood when you were in training, we're now familiar with a lot of the unique ways in which congenital heart disease may manifest in adulthood. As a result, we can provide advice on the best management of your patient, and we can work in concert with you to make certain that your patient is receiving the most up to date care to improve their outcomes long term the majority of academic programs in the country have physically or financially separate institutions supporting care for pediatric patients as opposed to adult patients. By integrating both of those service lines within the same institution, we have the capacity to offer a broader array of expertise in service for our patients. The numbers of adult congenital heart disease centers in the United States remain comparatively few. As a result, patients may reside quite distant from the nearest specialized center at Johns Hopkins. We offer the opportunity to coordinate care with local cardiology providers to ensure that there's somebody nearby who's familiar with each patient's case. And at the same time, if they require specialized care, they can receive it at our center at Johns Hopkins were committed to coordinating with you to provide the best possible care for your patients. We know that you're interested in your patients having the best possible outcomes, and we're here to advise and to help you along the way Created by Related Presenters Ari Cedars, MD Director, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Associate Professor of Medicine EXPERTISE: Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Diseases, General Cardiology View full profile