Cardiologist Thorsten Leucker discusses the latest on new LDL-cholesterol lowering drugs, inflammation and clinical trials being conducted at Johns Hopkins.
We're using a bench to bedside approach to learn Maura about the link between inflammation and pro inflammatory diseases and the development off track. Sclerotic cardiovascular diseases were studying patients like patients with an acute corners and drum patients with HIV patients with this lip anemia or an aging patient population all pro inflammatory states to learn Maura about the link and, ultimately, how to break the link between the inflammatory state and the development of cardiovascular disease. We're using a bench to bedside approach where we're studying basic and material cell function in the laboratory, as well as using sophisticated imaging modalities to learn more about the impact off inflammation and vascular and myocardial function. Ultimately, we're trying to break this link by using novel anti inflammatory therapies like, for example, PCSK nine inhibitors we found in the basic laboratory that PCSK nine beyond its cholesterol regulating effects, also has an inflammatory effect on and material cells, which ultimately leads to vascular dysfunction and potentially the development and progression of ultra sclerotic cardiovascular diseases. One of our studies is specifically looking at a patient cohort with pro inflammatory states, and these are patients with HIV, and we found that in patients with HIV PCSK nine levels are massively elevated compared to non infected control participants. We then went ahead and treated patients with HIV with the PCSK nine inhibitors and we measured vascular function particular corner of vascular and material function, using sophisticated imaging modalities like cardiac Emory with and material dependence dressers to test the impact off the PCSK nine inhibitor on vascular and material cell function. And we found that by inhibiting PCs canine beyond just LDL cholesterol lowering, we had a significant impact and impact on improving vascular function in patients. Patients with HIV suggesting that PCSK nine again is acting as a link between the pro inflammatory states off HIV and the vascular dysfunction leading potentially to accelerated atras. Chaotic cardiovascular disease in this very vulnerable patient population in the Johns Hopkins Advanced Lipid Disorder Clinic were treating everything from simple to more complex lipid abnormalities were supported by an entire team off geneticists, nutritional lists, pharmacy support as well as advanced nurse practitioners to take care of our patients were treating simple lipid abnormalities were taken care off, adverse evidence effects to medications all the way to very complex triglyceride abnormalities where we're often using a genetics approach to diagnose lipid abnormalities and Taylor the most appropriate therapies for these patients. In addition, we have a very active clinical trials unit where were supporting industry sponsored trials, were recruiting patients as well as our own investigator initiated studies where recruiting patients in our studies to learn Maura about the link between high cholesterol and the development and progression of cardiovascular disease, and, ultimately, how to help these patients to break the link between the high cholesterol inflammation and the development of cardiovascular diseases.