Showing 49 - 72 of 105 results
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Johns Hopkins Among First to Offer Flexible Robotic Endoscopy
Johns Hopkins Among First to Transplant HCV-Positive Livers Into HCV-Negative Patients
Innovative Approaches to Colorectal Surgery Benefit Patients
Hopkins Researchers Deliver Gene Therapy Directly to the Liver
Post-Endoscopy Infection Rates Far Higher Than Expected at Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Treating Gut Disease with Electrostimulation
Rethinking Elimination Diets and FODMAPS: A Common-Sense Approach to IBS
Raising Awareness of Celiac Disease
Processed Meats and Mania: A Connection?
Are Functional Bowel Disorders Often Mistaken for Chronic Pancreatitis?
4 New Faculty Members Join the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
New Blood Test for 8 Common Cancers
For Acid Reflux: An Innovative Alternative to Invasive Surgery
New Faculty and Appointment
‘Mini Intestines’ Developed in Lab Hold Promise for Diarrheal Disease
Weight-Loss Team Aims to Change the Way Patients Think About Eating
DNA and Protein ‘Liquid Biopsy’ Finds Tumors Faster
After the Cure: What comes next for patients with post-HCV liver fibrosis?
Tackling the GI Symptoms of Scleroderma
Researchers Discover Cyclical Death and Rebirth of the Gut Brain
New Genetic Clues to Pancreatic Cancer
Bypassing Bypass Surgery
Myotomy Offers Relief for Some Gastroparesis Patients
Evolving Practices for Endoscope Hygiene